記録の力 / The power of Recording

Taking notes, reviewing them to improve productivity is fun. Will see how I can improve myself by recording all sorts of things.

Margin Call (Movie)




  • メディア: Prime Video






  • なぜそれほど金が必要なのか
  • 離婚と慰謝料
  • 散財
  • 見栄
  • 自分の幸福を分析していない
  • 退廃的な人生への憧れ
  • 憧れはこだわり
  • こだわりは思考停止





               I'm trying to think of every last one of

               them I can and then I'll make them


     This line sits there for a minute and WILL looks out onto the



               Are you ok with that?

                         WILL EMERSON

               I'm about to completely fuck guys I've

               been doing business with for fifteen

               years so no I'm not exactly ok with it.

               But look, every last one of them would do

               the same thing to me in a second...so it

               is what it is.


               I guess. And what about everyone else?

                         WILL EMERSON

               Everyone else?


               Normal people.

                          WILL EMERSON

               What are you a socialist? Fuck me Seth.

     WILL looks over at SETH, sizing him up, looking to see if he

     has what it takes.

                         WILL EMERSON (cont'd)

               Look, If you want to do this with your

               life, and do it well, you need to believe

               that you are necessary. And you are. If

               people want to live like this...with

               their big cars and these houses that they

               haven't even paid for. Then you are

               necessary. The only reason they can

               continue to live like kings is because

               we've got our fingers on the scale in

               THEIR favor. And if I were to take my

               finger off...




61   CONTINUED: (3)                                                61

                         WILL EMERSON (cont'd)

               Then the whole world gets really fucking

               fair, really fucking quickly. And no one

               wants that, they say they do...but they

               don't. They want what we're giving them,

               but they also want to play innocent and

               pretend they have no idea how we get it.

               And that's more hypocrisy than I can

               swallow. So fuck em.

     Long look out at the city ahead.

                         WILL EMERSON (cont'd)

               And tomorrow if this all goes south

               they'll crucify us for being reckless,

               but if we are wrong and everything get's

               back on track. They'll be laughing their

               arses off at us for being the biggest

               bunch of pussies that God ever let

               through the door.

     He is trying to convince himself as much as SETH. They both

     look out the windows.


               Are we gonna be wrong on this one?

     WILL looks into the sea of skyscrapers that now tower above



               No...they're all gonna get fucked.



Jesus, when did you start feeling so sorry for yourself, it's unbearable... What, you think we may have helped put some people out of business today? That it's all just for naught? Well you've been doing that everyday for almost forty years Sam. And if all this is for naught then so is everything else out there. It's just money, it's made up, a piece of paper with some pictures on it so we don't all kill each other trying to get something to eat. But it's not wrong and it's certainly not any different today than it's ever been. Ever. 1637, 1797, 1819, `37, `57,`84, 1901, `07, 1929, `37, `73, and 1987... God damn did that motherfucker fuck me up good, 92, 97, 2000, and whatever this is gonna be called. They're just the same thing over and over. We can't help ourselves, and you and I can't control it, stop it, slow it, or even ever so slightly alter it... We just react... and we get paid well for it if we're right... and get left by the side of the road if we're wrong. There's always been and there's always gonna be the same percentage of winners and losers, happy fucks and sad sacks, fat pigs and starving dogs in this world... yes there may be more of us today... but the percentages... they always stay exactly the same.