記録の力 / The power of Recording

Taking notes, reviewing them to improve productivity is fun. Will see how I can improve myself by recording all sorts of things.

Breaking Bad Season 5

Breaking Bad-Season 5 [Blu-ray] [Import]



【 5-1】2021.3.22

【 5-2】2021.3.23

【 5-3】2021.3.23


  1. 人を非難する、なじる point the finger at
  2. 本気だぜ I mean it


【 5-4】2021.3.23

  • うじうじする mope around
  • 不実 infidelity
  • 一定の比率で減らす ramp down
  • さっぱりわからん it beats me. It beats working with a lunatic who's gonna get us arrested or killed
  • (怒りなどで)緊張した、ピリピリした uptight / she just seemed uptight
  • 介入する、一枚加わる weigh in / Mr. White, weigh in here? 


【 5-5】2021.3.24


  • うまくやりこなす get it together


【 5-5】2021.3.24









Say my name. That sounds super cool.











