記録の力 / The power of Recording

Taking notes and reviewing them to enhance productivity can be enjoyable. I'll explore how I can elevate my skills by documenting various aspects of my life.



The title may be light-hearted, but it's worth watching. This is because it depicts a high schooler's story, yet it's relevant for working adults as well, as they navigate similar struggles and issues in the world they live in. Here are th…

Lehman Brothers

リーマン・ブラザーズ 最後の4日間 (字幕版) ジェームズ・クロムウェル Amazon 評価が高かった割にはそれほど面白くなかった。 各銀行・証券のトップも窮地に立たされると大したことはできない。おどおどするだけであり、何か有益なことを実行できるわけで…

Dumb Money

The Dumb Money: The GameStop Short Squeeze and the Ragtag Group of Amateur Traders That Brought Wall Street to Its Knees (Previously Published as The Antisocial Network) (English Edition) 作者:Mezrich, Ben Grand Central Publishing Amazon …