記録の力 / The power of Recording

Taking notes, reviewing them to improve productivity is fun. Will see how I can improve myself by recording all sorts of things.


















>> Test Your Vocabulary







Since I've just resumed my studies, I haven't delved into vocabulary yet. At this stage, I took a vocabulary test, and it turns out I have over 10,000 words. I wanted to aim to reach 15,000 words by April.


However, to increase by 5,000 words in 4 months, you would need to learn an average of 1,250 words per month, memorizing over 40 words each day, which is not realistic. Let's set a more achievable goal of +2,000 words (500 words per month, 17 words per day).


While reading a blog emphasizing the importance of vocabulary, I came across someone with exceptional English proficiency. This is inspiring, and it motivated me to put more effort into my studies after a long time.

The Wolf of Wall Street





  • カネを稼ぐことが正義だと思っていたこと
  • 酒と女が好きなのがカッコイイと思っていたこと
  • 楽しい仲間と、楽しく仕事することがよいと思っていたこと
  • バカな奴は騙されると思っていたこと
  • ドラッグは人生を踏み外すので絶対にやりたくないこと
  • それ以外でも羽目を外し過ぎると失敗する、ということ
  • 熱狂的なスピーチは人を変えてしまう、ということ



I've watched it several times, but it's been about 7-8 years since I last saw it. From this movie, I feel influenced in the following aspects:

  • Thinking that making money is a form of justice.
  • Believing that liking alcohol and women is cool.
  • Valuing the idea of working with enjoyable colleagues and having fun at work.
  • Assuming that foolish people are easily deceived.
  • Having a strong aversion to drugs because they lead to derailing one's life.
  • Recognizing that excessive indulgence in various aspects can lead to failure.
  • Understanding that impassioned speeches can change people.

英語 assignments



  1. 水曜夕方:レッスン
  2. 水曜、木曜夜:宿題、shadowing対象の「力試し」、「弱点発見」(4~5hs)
  3. 週末:shadowing対象の「仕込み」, writing(10-15hs)
  4. 平日隙間時間:shadowingの体得(10-15hs)





  • 欲張り過ぎず、まずは課題に集中
  • 課題は、KHシステムで徹底的に(語彙、表現、発音、構文の体得と応用)
  • 余裕があれば、以前やったテキストをKHシステムで仕上げる
  • さらに余裕があれば、vocabulary, reading



The basic approach is as follows:

  1. Wednesday evening: Lesson
  2. Wednesday and Thursday night: "power testing" and "weakness discovery" for shadowing materials (4-5 hours)
  3. Weekend: "Preparation" for shadowing and writing (10-15 hours)
  4. Weekday gaps: "Mastery" of shadowing (10-15 hours)

Total of about 25-35 hours per week.

[Points to note]

  • Don't be too greedy, focus on the tasks first.
  • Thoroughly tackle tasks with the KH system (mastery and application of vocabulary, expressions, pronunciation, and syntax).
  • If there's spare time, polish previously done texts with the KH system.
  • If there's even more spare time, focus on vocabulary and reading.