記録の力 / The power of Recording

Taking notes, reviewing them to improve productivity is fun. Will see how I can improve myself by recording all sorts of things.

The Wolf of Wall Street





  • カネを稼ぐことが正義だと思っていたこと
  • 酒と女が好きなのがカッコイイと思っていたこと
  • 楽しい仲間と、楽しく仕事することがよいと思っていたこと
  • バカな奴は騙されると思っていたこと
  • ドラッグは人生を踏み外すので絶対にやりたくないこと
  • それ以外でも羽目を外し過ぎると失敗する、ということ
  • 熱狂的なスピーチは人を変えてしまう、ということ



I've watched it several times, but it's been about 7-8 years since I last saw it. From this movie, I feel influenced in the following aspects:

  • Thinking that making money is a form of justice.
  • Believing that liking alcohol and women is cool.
  • Valuing the idea of working with enjoyable colleagues and having fun at work.
  • Assuming that foolish people are easily deceived.
  • Having a strong aversion to drugs because they lead to derailing one's life.
  • Recognizing that excessive indulgence in various aspects can lead to failure.
  • Understanding that impassioned speeches can change people.