For the first time in 6 years maybe? I watched it when I was in N.Y.
Walter's life looked just miserable not because he got involved in a drug dealer thing or got a cancer, but because his relationsihp with Skyler was just falling part. The main cause of that seems to his concealing his secret of getting involved in the drug-dealer related matters.
Just desparing...
Hank seems to get sick in the elevator, that's why he took a day off. When we feel bad, we defnitely need to get a break. Don't act tough, take a break. His wife is no use of help. She is just burdensome.
Jessy also seemed very depressed when facing his mother told him to get out of home. That's all his fault, though.
- 整理させてくれ let me get this straight
- 悲観的過ぎる you're focusing on the negative.
- ムキになる adamant about wanting to handle all this thing
- 頭がくらくらする make someone's head spin
- 体裁を保つ keep up appearances
- 成り行きに任せる let things slide
- ~に専念する apply oneself to / for
- ~の記憶を呼び起こす jog someone's memory
- zapped out of one's mind
- 未決勾留期間 time-served
- 執行猶予、保護監察 probation
- 解決する iron out / there are a few things to be ironed out
Here are expressions I jotted down in 2015. Interestingly, there were lots of rudementary ones.
- air out
- 鼻がきく have a nose
- get out in the world
- in recovery
- hit it
- badass / that screen is badass
- 良い面 on the bright side
- do you mind if I ?
- rosy
- 臨機応変にやる play it by ear
- kick [someone] in the teeth
- kick in
- why you gotta be such a hard-on?
- jack-off
- straight-up
- 捕まる get busted
- what's the kick?
- little twerp
- in good shape
- too loyal to roll
- scared shitless of [someone]
- I digress
- reprisals
- god forbid that
- spout off about
- take credit for
- set [sb/st] straight
- What should I think about if I were alone in the middle of a desert without water?
- What would I think if I am conscious about my own death?
- Imagine what I would feel when cancer would shrink by 80%.
- パッと気分転換する、悩みなどを吹っ切る snap out of it
Drugs can kill you, seriously. I need to consider what the huge difference between drungs and alcohol.
I feel sorry for Jane. Walter should've saved her. As a completely separate matter, she shouldn't claimed Jessy's money just because they went out. I hate such a woman who blatantly claims.
- 愚かな imbecile
- 援助する、協力する、お金を出す pitch in / everybody pitches in
- ぐずぐずする linger on
- i deserve this
- go for it
- shortness of breath