In dramas, there are plenty of materials for thought.
Also, it's easy to associate specific scenes with words, which leads to different associations than reading.
- Those who act slowly miss opportunities.
- The showdown is in three weeks. Aim for rapid growth in a short period.
- Think about why and develop the power to think about the essence.
- You can't succeed if you look down on others.
- Understand how the world works.
- Identify your weaknesses and overcome them.
- Acknowledging others.
- Believing in others.
- Structuring sentences in your mind.
- Structuring facts, logic, and everything in your mind.
- Setting high hurdles reveals people's weaknesses.
- If you want to be happy, prepare yourself.
- Give your best to what you can do now.
- Your life is your own decision.
- Life isn't about "what will happen" but "what you will do."
- This moment creates the future.
- Will you waste each day or give your best every second?
- Sometimes, taking the difficult path is good.
- Revenge doesn't bring happiness to anyone.
- Success gained by harming others will eventually collapse.
The intensity and growth in the final 30 days before the exam are incredible.
The level of drive seems incomparable to that of an average businessman's project management. This might be due to (i) the belief that there's only one chance and (ii) minimal distractions.
- 行動の遅いヤツはチャンスを逃す
- 勝負は3週間後。短期間で急成長せよ
- なぜを考え、本質を考える力を
- 人を見下す性格の悪さでは、大成できない
- 世の中の仕組みを知れ
- 苦手分野を特定して、克服する
- 相手を認めること
- 相手を信じること
- 頭の中で、文章を構造化すること
- 頭の中で、事実・論理・全て、を構造化すること
- 高いハードルを設定することで、人の弱さを露呈させる
- 幸せになりたいなら、覚悟を決めろ
- 今できることを精一杯やること
- 自分の人生は、自分で決めること
- 人生は「どうなるか」ではなく、「どうするか」
- 今この瞬間が未来をつくる
- 一日一日をムダに過ごすか、一分一秒にベストを尽くすか
- 敢えて険しい道を行くのも良い
- 復讐は誰も幸せにならない
- 誰かを陥れて得た成功など破綻する